Stand by Me in Those 10,000 Little Moments

Peace. It’s always a good word.

The Humble Life

typewriterkeys Last year I picked a word to focus on throughout 2012.

That word was peace.

And boy, did I ever crave it.

There were moments when I felt it and lots of other moments when I didn’t.

Still, it stuck with me throughout 2012.

On the eve of 2013, I haven’t yet decided what will be my “word” for the upcoming year…but I am leaning toward trust.

Trust can encompass a lot of different areas of life.

But two stick out to me the most.

I have to decide day after day to trust God. Period. End of story.

Second, I have to trust that the 10,000 little choices I make will, over time, make me.

And, I’m fully aware that I need to rally my friends to stand by me, stand with me, and stand up for me, every single day.

Here are some insightful words on…

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