It’s Simple Math (Subtract to Add)


A dear friend of mine has been challenging me to consider how I’m using my time.

It’s been such a difficult thing for me to step back some and learn (re-learn) to be quiet.

For years, out of necessity, I was always moving from one task to the next. Now, with an almost empty nest, I’m finding I have some time on my hands.

What to do with this sudden elusive commodity?

Join a group?
Lead a class?
Start volunteering?
Write another book?

Any and all options are good ones.

Still, I realized that it’s too easy to stay too busy.

Maybe, just maybe, what I need most is time.

Time to be quiet.
Time to not be distracted.
Time to be still.
Time to listen.

So, I decided to subtract instead of add.

In the past few months, I’ve realized how hard it is to choose a period of relative quiet by eliminating what I can so I can prepare for what’s coming next.

By subtracting I’m adding.

How about you?


  1. As I’m looking ahead to retirement in the next couple of years, these are wise words Michele. Thank you!

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